Comprehensive/Master Plan 2022-23

Tools to get involved in the City of Morgan’s Point Resort Comprehensive Plan:

Update:  The survey has been posted on the City Website (May 9, 2023)

So what is a City Comprehensive plan (Master plan)?

  • A future vision and policy guide for our city
  • A plan for a MPR’s physical evolution
  • A comprehensive analysis of all aspects of community
  • Long range- typically varies from 5 to 15 years.
  • It’s NOT a zoning bylaw or regulation, but a public policy

A Comprehensive/Master Plan helps communities:

  • Manage growth and change
  • Provide for orderly and predictable development
  • Protect environmental resources
  • Set priorities for developing and maintaining
    infrastructure and public facilities
  • Strengthen local identity
  • Create a framework for future policy decisions
  • Promote open, democratic planning
  • Provide guidance to landowners, developers, and
    permitting authorities

How does the process work?

  • Visioning and goal setting
  • Interviews with stakeholders and “topic experts”
  • Public Meetings
  • Focus Groups
  • Surveys
  • Internet tools (MPR interactive story board)
  • Comprehensive/Master Plan Committees need people with different opinions, backgrounds, interests, and a commitment to work together
    as a team.
  • Recommendations need to be realistic, but long-term.
  • Visionary ideas should not be dismissed simply because they
    are difficult to achieve.
  • An Implementation plan needs some small but important
    steps that have broad support and can be accomplished right