About Us

The Morgan’s Point Resort Economic Development Corporation Articles of Incorporation were filed on February 3, 2011. The corporation is a Type B non-profit development corporation and is governed by Chapter 505 of the Texas Local Government Code. The mayor serves as an Ex-officio non-voting member. The EDC is funded by a sales tax and has a revenue of approximately $50,000 annually. There are seven board of directors who are appointed and overseen by the City Council. Board members serve for a term of two years and may be reappointed to succeed themselves.

Our Vision

A desirable and welcoming community that supports business opportunities while honoring its small-town roots and vibrant lifestyle

Our Mission

To create, retain, and reinvest resources in order to enhance well-being in our community.

Our Team (Term Expiration)

  • Linda Bridges, President (12.31.24)
  • Jason Johnson, Vice President (12.31.24)
  • Terry Harrah, Secretary (12.31.24)
  • Scott Fournier, Director (12.31.25)
  • Greg Weisman, Director (12.31.25)
  • Ted VanLier, Director (12.31.25)
  • Ted Teegarden, Director (12.31.25)
  • Dennis Green, Mayor- Ex-officio Member


Meetings are held quarterly at the call of the President. (October, January, April & July).  The meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend. Each meeting offers time for announcements and citizen comments.

Board of Directors Application December 2023

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