MPR Vision 2035

What is Visioning?

“Visioning” is a term used to describe a strategic planning process that develops an image of what a community would like to be in the future and the start of the foundation for an implementation plan on how to get there. In conjunction with the town’s strategic financial planning initiatives, the City moves forward and actively participate in operational strategic planning processes. These processes ensure that the quality of life desired and provided through City operations is also fiscally responsible and sustainable.
The Vision Statement is the “road map” to the City’s future, clearly explaining what is held as important and essential to the community’s identity as well as presenting hopes for the future. It will guide its citizens and community leaders down the path towards creating the shared community vision of the
City.  A good community visioning process is designed to help a community prepare and plan for the future. A great visioning process will allow the community to search for and identify key attributes that will define it over the coming 10 – 20 years. In many ways a visioning process is a positioning exercise, to find the sweet spot where real life circumstances, emerging trends, and community aspiration converge.
Question: How do you see MPR in 2035?
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